May 22-24 2025 Palatine Park Fairmont, WV

FROM I-79 North
Take Exit 137, WV 310N, East Park Ave.
Continue RIGHT off exit ramp. Go to the stoplight and turn LEFT on to WV 310N, East Park Ave. Continue on East Park Ave. to the second stoplight. The Festival is on your RIGHT at Palatine Park.
FROM I-79 South
Take Exit 136, WV 273N, Downtown Fairmont.
At the end of the exit ramp, turn LEFT at the stoplight on to WV 273N, (the new Gateway Connector.) Continue on WV 273N through a stoplight and two roundabouts. At the next stoplight, turn RIGHT onto Merchant St. Go two blocks and the Festival will be on your LEFT at Palatine Park.
FROM RT. 250 North
Continue 250S into downtown Fairmont
Turn LEFT on RT 19 North (Adams Street)
Continue 2 blocks and turn RIGHT on to Jefferson Street
Continue on Jefferson Street across bridge to light on Merchant Street
Turn LEFT on Merchant Street and continue to light
Festival is straight ahead at Palatine Park
FROM RT. 250 South
Continue 250N into downtown Fairmont
Turn RIGHT on to Jefferson Street
Continue on Jefferson Street across bridge to light on Merchant Street
Turn LEFT on Merchant Street and continue to light
Festival is straight ahead at Palatine Park